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Analgesic and anti-fatigue effect of Chuanqiong Tianma decoction in mice
Hits 1946  Download times 2135  Received:August 29, 2013  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2014.01.09
Key Words   Rhizoma ligustici wallichii;Gastrodia elata;analgesic effect;anti-fatigue effect
Author NameAffiliation
FU Yan-jun School of Basic Medicine Science, Liaoning University of TCM, Shenyang 110847, China 
LI Xin Institute of Information Engineering, Liaonig University of TCM, Shenyang 110847, China 
    [Objective] To observe the analgesic and anti-fatigue effect of Chuanqiong Tianma decoction(RGD) in mice. [Methods] The analgesic and anti-fatigue effect were tested by acetic acid twisting method and hot-plate method in mice. [Results] The twisting times was significantly reduced and the response latency in hot-plate test was significantly prolonged by RGD. [Conclusion] RGD has analgesic and anti-fatigue effect in mice.

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