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Brief exploration on recovery of blood stasis in lung
Hits 1885  Download times 1801  Received:April 28, 2014  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2014.05.02
Key Words   differentiation of Zang-Fu;lung;blood stasis;treatment from blood stasis
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Xiu-lan Department of Lung Disease, Hainan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Haikou 570203, China 
WANG Yu-xing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China 
    The records of blood stasis in lung is rarely found from the ancient time. It is also exposed and not recorded in the modern classic treating material. Through collecting the historical materials from the ancient doctors and referencing the modern clinical and experimental research the author has considered that the records of treating lung diseases from stasis is not rarely found. The syndrome of blood stasis in lung has their physiological basis, pathological mechanism. Clinically, it mainly manifested as coughing sputum combined with asthma, such as emptysis, chest pain in definite location, cyanotic lips and nail, purple tongue with ecchymosis etc. Popularly, current medicine thinks that elevated blood viscosity, fibrosis of pulmonary interstitial tissue and pulmonary arterial hypertension are seen as the pathological appearance of blood stasis. The pharmacological research demonstrated that the herbs having activating blood circulation and removing stasis of traditional Chinese medicine can improve above situations. It also proves the existence of lung blood stasis objectively. Some other syndromes could be seen with lung blood stasis simultaneously and the stasis sometimes is covered easily. The syndrome of lung blood stasis must be recovered.

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