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Analysis on the distribution characteristic of the taste and nature of traditional Chinese herbs treating type 2 diabetes mellitus based on the TCM individualized diagnosis and treatment platform and Scale-Free network model
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2017.02.08
Key Words   TCM Individualized Diagnosis and Treatment Platform;T2DM;syndrome classification;scale-free network model;property and flavor of traelitional Chinese medicine
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
XIAO Yue-xing Guanganmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China  
YAN Xiu-feng Guanganmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China yanxiufeng@gamyy.cn 
NI Qing Guanganmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China  
FENG Chun-peng Guanganmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China 910297396@qq.com 
    [Objective] By retrieval of the traditional Chinese herbs appled to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in real world, with "detecting syndrome by therapeutic herbs (formulas)" method and "interpreting theory by therapeutic herbs(formulas)" philosophical idea in "herb-syndrome" theory and method, to reversely probe intoTCM syndrome differentiation or classification on T2DM in real world. [Methods] Inpatient medical record information of T2DM collected by the TCM individualized diagnosis and treatment platform (clinical information collection system of traditional Chinese medicine), with the "disease-symptom-differentiation syndrome-treatment- herb-effect" model, was constructed into a data warehouse, by using scale-free network model, the taste and nature of these therapeutic herbs were classified, and from the classifications, the main treatment principles were find out, as on the one hand to provide reference for TCM berb choice in treating diabetes, on the other hand, to derive the TCM syndrome differentiations from these classifications. [Results] Medical record information of 3 247 cases of T2DM inpatients were included in the study, and three network structures of characteristic distribution emerged, where 60 commonly used herbs in each network were shown. The centers of these network structures respectively were as follows:1) herbs of "eliminating heat and cooling blood, nourishing Yin and producing body fluid" in nature, such as ShengDiHuang(Radix Rehmanniae), MaiDong(Radix Ophiopogonis), XuanShen(Radix Scrophulariae), ChiShao(Radix Paeoniae Rubra), ZhiMu(Rhizoma Anemarrhenae), etc., mainly herbs of cold in nature; 2) herbs of "the supplementing qi and nourishing Yin" in nature, such as ShengDiHuang(Radix Rehmanniae), TaiZiShen(Radix Pseudostellariae), BaiZhu(Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae), FuLing(Poria cocos), BaiShao(Radix Paeoniae Alba), MaiDong(Radix Ophiopogonis), etc.; 3) herbs of "invigorate the circulation of blood and Qi, expelling retained fluid and dampness, warming Yang to produce Qi" in nature. Three big network structures suggested that the syndrome types of T2DM in three stages were respectively excess heat and Yin deficiency; both Qi and Yin deficiency; and Yin and Yang deficiency, often accompanied with syndromes of blood stasis, phlegm, dampness, and retained fluid, etc. [Conclusion] In real world, the clinical essence of TCM Syndromes of T2DM are three major syndromes, i.e., excess heat and Yin deficiency, both qi and Yin deficiency, and Yin and Yang deficiency, which may be accompanied with blood stasis and phlegm and/or dampness pathogens, as can provide important clinical evidence for the "three-typed" syndrome differentiation theory system currently most extensively applied in domestic. Besides, the herbs found in this real-world based study may provide useful reference for TCM berb choice in treating diabetes.

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