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Try to discuss the relationship between connective tissue disease and interstitial lung disease from the “five body and five zan-organs” of arthromyodynial
Hits 2271  Download times 1772  Received:December 18, 2016  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2017.03.03
Key Words   arthromyodynia;five body and five organs;five body arthralgia;obstructed visceral pain;CTD-ILD
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
WANG Ying Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, China  
LI Yan-cun Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, China  
LIU Xiao-ying Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, China  
WANG Pei Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, China  
JING Fei Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, China  
JIN Yan-qiang Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Taian, Taian 271000, China  
ZHANG Wei Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250011, China huxizhijia@126.com 
    Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “pathogenic wind,pathogenic cold and dampness evil three together as arthromyodynia” and rthromyodynia includes five body arthralgia and obstructed visceral pain.Connective tissue disease that Chinese medicine also known as rheumatism,in the traditional medicine is generally attributed to the category of five body arthralgia.Interstitial lung disease is a common disease in respiratory system,which belongs to the traditional Chinese medicine“pulmonary arthralgia”,“pulmonary paralysis”,“cough”,“lung distension”category,phlegm,blood stasis and deficiency through the whole process of the disease,lung qi and blood running sluggish,phlegm and blood stasis,block pulmonary collateral,which can lead pulmonary arthralgia.Lung paralysis attributable to obstructed visceral pain,obstructed visceral pain is a serious stage of the arthromyodynia,which is the further development of five body impediment.Five body arthralgia and obstructed visceral pain in the pathogenesis and syndrome reflects the five internal organs theory,five body arthralgia does not heal,complex sense of evil,resulting in obstructed visceral pain.Five body arthralgia can lead to a variety of organs rheumatism,and also mutual change between obstructed visceral pain.Connective tissue disease is a common cause of interstitial lung disease,when arthralgia syndrome secondary to a variety of respiratory system injury,the pulmonary arthralgia may present.In recent years,connective tissue disease associated interstitial lung disease with the industrialization society improvement and development of medicine incidence rate increased significantly.This article tries try to discuss the relationship between connective tissue disease and interstitial lung disease from the“five body and five zang-organs”of arthromyodynia.

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