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Comparative study on clinical characteristics of chronic gastritis in Hanoi and Guangzhou
Hits 1435  Download times 1052  Received:August 15, 2017  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2017.05.10
Key Words   chronic gastritis;clinical features;TCM syndrome type
Author NameAffiliation
Nguyen Tien Chung Vietnam University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hanoi 
LIU Feng-bin Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China 
Doan Quang Huy Vietnam University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hanoi 
    [Objective] This project in Guangzhou China and Hanoi Vietnam uses epidemiological methods for analyzing the distribution of TCM constitution types in patient with Chronic Gastritis(CG), and the relationship between TCM constitution and TCM syndrome type, laboratory tests and syndrome differentiation.[Methods] With a method of combining literature and clinical research, 686 patients of CG are chosen to take a questionnaire. All the data is recorded in Excel table, statistical research including the patient's sex, age, TCM syndrome and TCM constitution。[Results] In Guangzhou's and Hanoi's chronic gastritis patients symptom have different characteristics:Guangzhou group's prevalence of male to female ratio is about 1:1, Hanoi group's is about 1.5:1. Hanoi group's male patients prevalence more than Guangzhou group's (P<0.05). Both groups were 26 to 45 age patients are mostly, the number of cases distributed gradually increasing trend. In Guangzhou group,the average age was (42.2±13.3)years;in Hanoi group, the average age of (36.8±9.6)years, more significant differences between two groups of age (P<0.001). TCM syndrome diagnosis, 341 cases and 345 cases of Guangzhou and Hanoi patients, both groups had liver and stomach syndrome was significantly higher than the frequency of other syndromes (41.3% of Guangzhou, Hanoi is 42.0%). Followed in descending order of liver spleen syndrome, spleen and stomach, spleen, stomach yin deficiency syndrome, stomach meridian stasis syndrome. Guangzhou group spleen patients (12.5%) more than Hanoi group (5.5%), but Hanoi group spleen and stomach patients more than Guangzhou group, this difference was statistically significant (P<0.01).

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