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On the treatment of advanced lung cancer with hypostatic pneumonia from “Excessive rest on bed impairing qi
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2018.03.06
Key Words   excessive rest on bed impairing qi;lung cancer;hypostatic pneumonia
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LI Feiran Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, China  
ZHANG Wei Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, China huxizhijia@126.com 
    The theory of "long lying and injuring" originated from the Huangdi Neijing. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the patients lying for long time would damage qi working, and blood was obstructed, the circulation of qi and blood were obstructed, the meridians were difficult to dredge, the body muscles were gradually weakened, and the phlegm and blood stasis were eventually linked, and the viscera was weak. Hypostatic pneumonia is a serious complication of advanced lung cancer, patients with advanced lung cancer for a long time in bed, resulting in a certain degree of gas consumption, blood run suffocate suffocate, body weakness, patients would be unable to deposit in the small airway secretions in the trachea excreted, ventilation blocked, bacterial growth and reproduction of sufficient conditions were obtained. It is easy to induce lung inflammation, which complicated with hypostatic pneumonia. Based on the "Excessive rest on bed impairing qi" as the theoretical basis, from advanced lung cancer with the pathogenesis of pneumonia in the fall of this product, "late long lay gas and lung cancer complicated with pneumonia falling Union, in order to provide a solid theoretical basis for the clinical diagnosis and treatment.

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