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Discussion and significance of the formation times of motion and qi theory in Huangdi Neijing
Hits 1378  Download times 1115  Received:October 10, 2019  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2020.01.07
Key Words   motion and qi theory;age of formation;theoretical significance;basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
MENG Qingyan Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China
Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250355, China 
ZHANG Qicheng Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China zhangqicheng96@163.com 
LIU Yuanyuan Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250355, China  
ZHANG Qingxiang Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250355, China  
    Motion and qi theory is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine theory which based on seven great theories. It is the primary and basic task to determine the formation times of motion and qi theory. By analyzing the knowledge of astronomy,calendar,phenology and phonology involved in the seven great theories,we can infer that they were written roughly from the middle and late "Western Han" dynasty to the early "Eastern Han" dynasty. Discussing the forming age of the theory can guide the theoretical research of motion and qi theory,enhance the understanding of Huangdi Neijing theory and deepen the theoretical depth of the theory at the present stage,which has practical significance.

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