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Discuss the inner connection between “cough” and “flaccidity” from the perspective of “in autumn,the body is invaded by dampness,and the qi movement reverses,causing coughing and then the onset offlaccidity”
Hits 32  Download times 12  Received:September 02, 2024  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2025.01.02
Key Words   treatment from dampness;autumnal dampness;cough;flaccidity;Huangdi Neijing
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
CHEN Siyu Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Basic Medical College, Hubei Shizhen Laboratory, Wuhan 430065, China  
FENG Jun Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Basic Medical College, Hubei Shizhen Laboratory, Wuhan 430065, China  
ZHU Bokuan Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Basic Medical College, Hubei Shizhen Laboratory, Wuhan 430065, China  
WANG Li Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Basic Medical College, Hubei Shizhen Laboratory, Wuhan 430065, China  
GAO Yingzhe Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Basic Medical College, Hubei Shizhen Laboratory, Wuhan 430065, China  
XIE Guangjing Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Basic Medical College, Hubei Shizhen Laboratory, Wuhan 430065, China  
WANG Ping Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Basic Medical College, Hubei Shizhen Laboratory, Wuhan 430065, China  
HUANG Panpan Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Basic Medical College, Hubei Shizhen Laboratory, Wuhan 430065, China panpanhuang@hbtcm.edu.cn 
    Medical practitioners in past dynasties thought about that “autumn dampness” have a certain connection with many diseases,therefore,the author discusses the relation between damp-evil and cough or flaccidity according to Su WenSheng Qi Tong Tian Lun in the “in autumn,the body is invaded by dampness,and the qi movement reverses,causing coughing and then the onset of flaccidity”. We expounds that damp pathogen mainly causes cough and flaccidity by affecting lung,spleen,liver and kidney. It also discusses the process of regression of “cough” and “flaccidity” among different internal organs. First,dampness is one of the common initiating factors of cough and flaccidity. Secondly,dampness turns into heat for a long time,and the digestive function of spleen and stomach is abnormal are the key pathological links of the development from cough to flaccidity. Finally,lung heat and liver and kidney essence deficiency is the terminal pathological mechanism of cough and flaccidity. It provides some theoretical foundation and clinical thinking for prevention and treatment of cough and flaccidity.

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