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Argument and Thinking on "Who Controls the Mental Activities"
Hits 1333  Download times 1988  Received:August 20, 2006  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2006.05.03
Key Words   the heart controls the mental activities;the brain controls the mental activities;the heart and brain control the mental activities together;theoretical research;literature study
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Xiao-xia  
WANG Zhen-guo  
    The concept "the heart controls the mental activities" came from that the heart played an important role in the body just as the emperor did in the country. In TCM the brain wasn’t one of the Zang Fu organs,so it could not control the mental activities. Therefore,although the viewpoint of "the brain controls the mental activities" could be described but it was not feasible. "The brain and the heart control the mental activities together" was not necessary and not possible. We must analyze and reflect upon the reason why "the brain controls the mental activities" was so popular in TCM.

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