Key Words
Wenyi Lun(Treatise on Pestilence);Wu You-xing;edition;collation;acute febrile diseases
Author Name
ZHANG Zhi-bin
The result of researching the famous work the Wenyi Lun(Treatise on Pestilence) showed that the earliest edition was written by Shi Kai’ and the one by Zhang Yizeng’. These two editions had their own individual characteristics for the academic heritage. Unfortunately,not all the academic information in these editions were preserved during the selection of the draft copy and at the time of collating in the various current checked edition. Therefore,some important academic viewpoints of Wu Youxing,the author of the work,were lost. The careless omission of the preface and notes in the original version resulted in the confusion of the academic heritage and misunderstanding to it. In conclusion,it is necessary to select the best draft copy and perform a detailed and thorough re-collation of Wenyi Lun.
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