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Study on that five tastes enters into five viscera
Hits 1402  Download times 2973  Received:September 12, 2007  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2008.01.36
Key Words   five tastes;five viscera;same QI asking for each other;antagonism and inter-promotion
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YIN Chang-lie The Medical University, Medical University of Datian, Republic of Korea 
    According to the principle of that the same Qi are asking for each other the five tastes may enter into five viscera but the function about five elements of five viscera was completely opposite to the effect of five tastes except for spleen. Five tastes comes from the qi of the earth and becomes YIN forming the structure of living things, especially the five viscera. The function forming viscera from taste is opposite to the function of the viscera due to the principle of opposition between YIN and yang, inter-dependence between them, equilibrium between them, balance between them and antagonism and inter-promotion between them.

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