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Study on syndrome and syndrome elements based on relational analysis of information entropy
Hits 2773  Download times 1770  Received:March 30, 2009  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2009.04.04
Key Words   relational analysis;information entropy;syndrome;syndrome elements
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Tian-fang Department of TCM diagnostics, Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100029, China 
WU Xiu-yan Department of TCM diagnostics, Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100029, China 
CHEN Jian-xin Department of TCM diagnostics, Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100029, China 
于春光 Department of TCM diagnostics, Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100029, China 
赵燕 Department of TCM diagnostics, Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100029, China 
李志更 中国中医科学院基础理论研究所, 北京, 100700 
西广成 中国科学院自动化研究所, 北京, 100080 
王庆国 Department of TCM diagnostics, Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100029, China 
    [Objective] To find the characteristics of syndrome and syndrome elements with analysis of information entropy. [Methods] The common symptoms in 1787 patients with Depression, Chronic Hepatitis B and Chronic Renal Failure (without TCM diagnosis previously) were analyzed with relational analysis of information entropy. [Results] Thirty-nine groups of symptom were acquired through the data analysis method. The following syndrome of kidney yang deficiency, liver qi stagnation, disharmony between liver and spleen, disharmony between liver and stomach, both qi and yin deficiency, heart qi deficiency, and so on, were found among the symptom groups. The following syndrome elements of disease location and nature were involved separately: heart, liver, spleen, stomach, kidney, qi deficiency, yin deficiency, yang deficiency, qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm, dampness and heat. [Conclusion] Some groups of symptom based clinical investigation and analysis of information entropy may provide evidence for the study of syndrome and syndrome elements.

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