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Analysis of pulse diagram in 144 healthy persons
Hits 1818  Download times 903  Received:October 23, 2012  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2013.02.05
Key Words   healthy person;pulse diagram;correlation anylysis
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
JIANG Zhi-hao Tianjin University of TCM, Engineering Institute of TCM, Tinjin 300193, China  
GUO Shi-zhen Tianjin University of TCM, Engineering Institute of TCM, Tinjin 300193, China  
ZHAO Jing Tianjin University of TCM, Engineering Institute of TCM, Tinjin 300193, China  
YE Zhi-hua Tianjin University of TCM, Engineering Institute of TCM, Tinjin 300193, China  
LU Cheng Tianjin University of TCM, Engineering Institute of TCM, Tinjin 300193, China  
YU Zhi-feng Tianjin University of TCM, Engineering Institute of TCM, Tinjin 300193, China  
ZHANG Hui-yu Tianjin University of TCM, Engineering Institute of TCM, Tinjin 300193, China  
LU Xiao-zuo Tianjin University of TCM, Engineering Institute of TCM, Tinjin 300193, China luxiaozuo9862@163.com 
    [Objective] To observe the correlation between multiple factors of healthy person and the change of pulse diagram. [Methods] Taking healthy persons as the observe group, the changing characteristics of pulse diagram of them with different sex and other correlated factors were analyzed. [Results] The interval area and change of the basic amount of the pulse diagram in the healthy persons were observed. Through analysis among the physiological constant, each pulse peak, U angle, the angle of the main wave and in the primary correlation analysis it was suggest that there was a positive correlation between the right pulse H1 and body weight, body mass index with a obvious significance. It was also related positively with gender and blood pressure, while H4 had a positive correlation trend. There was a trend of positive correlation between body weight, body mass index, blood systolic pressure and U angle of right pulse diagram. The right pulse H1 and H4 showed similar trends. Stature and T4, T5 showed a negative trend. Blood pressure and T1, P angle showed a tendency of negative correlation. [Conclusion] There are some correlations and corresponding trend between some physiological constants and pulse parameters. Obviously, it will provide the basis for study of the pulse and standard assessment about the curative effect.

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