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Antitumor effect of Xihuang pills on colorectal cancer based on cancer stem cells
Hits 3038  Download times 1748  Received:November 18, 2016  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2017.03.11
Key Words   Xihuang pills;cancer stem cells;proliferation;migration;multipotent genes;colorectal cancer
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LI Shan-shan Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tianjin 300193, China  
BIAN Yu-hong Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tianjin 300193, China bianyuhong_2012@163.com 
WANG Li The Second People's Hospital, Tianjin 300192, China  
    [Objective] To investigate the effect of Xihuang pills on proliferation, invasion and migration abilities of colorectal cancer stem cells(CSCs) and the expression of multipotent genes of colorectal CSCs.[Methods] CT26 induced colorectal cancer cell Balb/C mice, cancer stem and non-stem cells were primarily obtained. The Methylthiazolyldiphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay was used to determine the proliferation of cancer stem and non-stem cells. The transwell assay was used to determine the effects of Xihuang pills on the invasion and migration abilities of CSCs. qRT-PCR was applied to study the expressions of CSCs multipotent genes after treating cells with Xihuang pills.[Results] Xihuang pills can inhibit the proliferation of CSCs and nCSCs effectively, and the effect is dose-dependent. Xihuang pills have lower IC50 values towards CSCs than nCSCs, which mean it has a more potent direct toxicilty towards CSCs. Further more, it can inhibit the invasion and migration of CSCs, and down-regulate the expression of multipotent genes such as Sox2, Oct4 and Nanog significantly.[Conclusion] Xihuang pills can inhibit the proliferation, invasion and migration abilities of colorectal CSCs effectively, and down-regulate the expression of multipotent genes dramatically. The anti-colorectal effect of Xihuang pills may contribute to its inhibition of CSCs.

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