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Analysis between vegetarian and syndrome characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine for 356 cases hospitalized patients with hypertension
Hits 3282  Download times 1263  Received:February 02, 2017  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2017.06.04
Key Words   hypertension;vegetarian diets;type of traditional Chinese medicine syndrome;epidemiology
Author NameAffiliation
DAI Guo-hua Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, China 
LIU Xiao-cui Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Shandong Province of Rizhao City, Rizhao 276800, China 
SUN Jing-xing The Vocational College of Science And Technology of Shandong Liming, Jinan 250116, China 
LIU Gang The Vocational College of Science And Technology of Shandong Liming, Jinan 250116, China 
GAO Wu-lin Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, China 
    [Objective] To investigate the syndrome type of traditional Chinese medicine and diets of hospitalized patients with hypertension, and to analysis the correlation between vegetarian diets and syndrome type of hypertension of traditional Chinese medicine. [Methods] Adopt the method of epidemiological investigation, 356 cases of hospitalized patients with hypertension from July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 in affiliated hospital of Shandong University of traditional Chinese medicine were selected. The diet of patients was investigated by the method of food frequency. The hypertension syndrome type of traditional Chinese medicine was determined by referring to The New Chinese Medicine Clinical Guideline. Multi-factor logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between vegetarian with hypertension traditional Chinese medicine syndrome type. [Results] Vegetarian group (the proportion of fruits and vegetables is more than 80% among the diet) had 187 cases, low-intensity group (the proportion of fruits and vegetables is between 80% and 90% among the diet) had 120 cases and high-intensity group (the proportion of fruits and vegetables is more than 90% among the diet) had 67 cases. Phlegmatic hygrosis type had 142 cases (39.89%), liver fire exuberance type had 101 cases(28.37%), yin yang concurrent deficiency type had 80 cases(22.47%).The vegetarian ratio was a relevant factor for Phlegmatic hygrosis type, liver fire exuberance type and yin deficiency yang hyperactivities type. The OR values were 13.259, 0.237 and 0.591 respectively. [Conclusion] There is correlation between the vegetarian ratio among Phlegmatic hygrosis type, liver fire exuberance type and yin deficiency yang hyperactivities type. Increasing the vegetarian ratio properly can decline the risk of Phlegmatic hygrosis type of hypertension.

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