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Study of the relationship between life movement intensity and traditional Chinese medicine constitution of 114 cases civil servants
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2018.02.10
Key Words   civil servant;life movement intensity;traditional Chinese medicine constitution;correlation
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
PAN Yuting College of Management, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China  
ZHU Yanbo College of Management, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China yanbo0722@sina.com 
LI Yanni College of Management, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China  
    [Objective] To study the status of life movement intensity and constitution of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) of civil servants, and to analyze the relationship between them.[Methods] The 114 cases are recruited from the field questionnaire survey. International Physical Activity Questionnaire (short) is used to measure the intensity of life movement of civil servants, and constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaireis used to measure the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) constitution of civil servants.[Results] The results of life movement intensity are as follows:the average total amount of exercise is (2755.90±226.11) METs, the average energy metabolic equivalent of heavy physical activity is(968.39±158.18) METs, the average energy metabolic equivalent of daily walking is (1054.50±85.60) METs, the average daily meditation time is(5.63±0.27) hours. The results of the relationship between life movement intensity and TCM constitution are as follows:mild constitution has a positive relationship with the total amount of exercise, the energy metabolic equivalent of heavy physical activity and daily walking(P<0.01), and it is negatively related to daily meditation time(P<0.01). Biased constitution has a negative relationship with the total amount of exercise, the energy metabolic equivalent of heavy physical activity and daily walking(P<0.01). Qi deficiency, yang deficiency and qi depression are positively related to daily meditation time(P<0.05).[Conclusion] Among the civil servants, the higher score of mild constitution are related to larger amount of exercise, and the higher score of biased constitution are related to less exercise time and lower life movement intensity.

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