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Discussion on TCM pathogenesis and treatment of hashimoto's thyroiditis based on the theory of “spleen for swallow”
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2021.09.13
Key Words   spleen for swallow;hashimoto's thyroiditis;gall disease;deficiency of spleen yin;imbalance of yin and yang
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
WU Yuanyuan Ningguo Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Ningguo 232400, China  
YIN Yundong Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230031, China  
ZHAO Jindong The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230031, China  
FANG Zhaohui The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230031, China fangzhaohui9097@163.com 
    Hashimoto's thyroiditis can be classified into the categories of "gall disease" "melancholia" and "asthenia" in traditional Chinese medicine. Its pathogenesis is complex,some symptoms are difficult to distinguish,and clinical treatment is difficult. Guided by the theory of "spleen as swallow",this paper discusses and analyzes the pathogenesis of hashimoto's thyroiditis in Chinese medicine,and points out that the pathogenesis of HT is centered on the spleen and the spleen is the disease through the whole course of HT. Besides stagnation of liver qi,phlegm and blood stasis,deficiency of spleen yin and imbalance of yin and yang are important pathogenesis of HT. In the treatment,the center is to balance the yin and yang of the spleen,to prevent the disease first,to regulate the spleen and collaterals,to combine the method of removing phlegm and removing blood stasis,and to nourish the spleen and nourish the kidney,and then to improve the prognosis and development of HT.

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