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Analysis of the formation of the theory of “heart dominating mind” based on conceptual metaphor
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2024.01.09
Key Words   heart dominating mind;senses;seven orifices;brain dominating mind;governing exterior to infer interior;embodied cognition;metaphor
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LAI Min School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China  
JIA Chunhua School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China jiachunhua125@163.com 
XU Shuang School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China  
    The debate between heart and brain,which dominate the mind,is protracted and inconclusive. Rather than competing for the best,it is better to clarify the key problem of “why the heart dominates the mind”,and reveal the process and causes of the formation of the theory of “the heart dominates the mind”,which may help to resolve the dispute between the heart and the brain. In the past,traditional Chinese medicine scholars have put forward many views why the heart dominates the mind,such as the heart dominates the blood,the heart is in the middle,and the heart dominates the human body,but most of them failed to reveal the uniqueness of why the heart dominates mind in combination with the cognitive style and life experience of ancient people. Moreover,there is a lack of in-depth discussion on the relationship between the sensory organs,the heart and the mind that are recorded in ancient books. Therefore,from the conceptual metaphor theory from the perspective of embodied cognition,combined with the relevant discussions in ancient books,this paper explains how ancient people's understanding of the relationship between the seven sensory orifices,the heart and the mind affects the formation of the theory of “the heart dominating the mind” under the cognitive mode of governing exterior to infer interior and taking analogy of images. It is considered that the concept of the seven sensory orifices is an important basis for the ancients to recognize“mind”,and the ancients' understanding of the relationship between the seven sensory orifices and the mind,as well as the observation and association of the seven sensory orifices and the heart orifices,are not only the important basis for the formation of the theory of the“heart dominating the mind”,but also the basic premise for understanding the relationship between “heart dominating mind” and “brain dominating mind”.

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