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Observation on the therapeutic effect of modified Huanglian Wendan Decoction in the treatment of stable angina pectoris of coronary heart disease with phlegm heat internal disturbance combined with chronic insomnia
Hits 154  Download times 37  Received:August 28, 2024  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2024.12.03
Key Words   Huanglian Wendan Decoction;phlegm heat internal disturbance;coronary heart disease;stable angina pectoris;insomnia;Pittsburgh sleep quality index;heart rate variability;traditional Chinese medicine syndrome
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
XIE Bingxin Department of Cardiology, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 102600, China  
WU Xinfang Department of Cardiology, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 102600, China wuxinfang888@163.com 
FENG Shuo Center for Evidence-Based Medicine, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 102600, China  
LI Qiao Department of Endocrinology, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 102600, China  
WANG Heng Department of Laboratory Medicine, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 102600, China  
    [Objective] Evaluate the clinical efficacy of Huanglian Wendan Decoction modified formula on patients with stable angina pectoris and chronic insomnia of phlegm heat internal disturbance type coronary heart disease. [Methods] Collect 150 patients with phlegm heat internal disturbance type coronary heart disease stable angina pectoris combined with chronic insomnia who were hospitalized and outpatient in the cardiology ward of Guang’anmen Hospital South Campus from January 2023 to February 2024. The patients in the experimental group were given modified Huanglian Wendan Decoction and the patients in the control group were given Zopiclone Tablets for a course of 4 weeks. The changes in Pittsburgh sleep quality index(PSQI),heart rate variability,and traditional Chinese medicine syndrome score were evaluated before and after treatment. [Results] The final 138 cases were included in the statistical analysis,with 70 cases in the experimental group and 68 cases in the control group. Both groups showed a decrease in PSQI scores before and after treatment. The experimental group was better than the control group(P<0.05),with an effective rate of 88.5% in the experimental group and 76.4% in the control group. The experimental group showed improvement in chest pain,chest tightness,difficulty falling asleep,excessive dreaming,easy awakening,and abdominal distension. There was a significant therapeutic effect on palpitations,dizziness,irritability,dry mouth,and bitter taste,but no significant therapeutic effect on headaches and poor appetite. The control group showed significant therapeutic effects in terms of difficulty falling asleep and improved dizziness,while there was no significant therapeutic effect in other aspects. Comparing the total score of traditional Chinese medicine syndromes before and after treatment between the two groups,the experimental group was better than the control group(P<0.05). Comparing the heart rate variability(HRV) before and after treatment between two groups,the standard deviation of all normal to normal RR intervals(SDNN),root mean square of the difference between adjacent NN intervals(RMSSD) and standard deviation of all 5-minute RR intervals(SDANN),experimental groups were superior to the control group(P<0.05). [Conclusion] The modified Huanglian Wendan Decoction has a good effect on traditional Chinese medicine syndrome,heart rate variability,and insomnia improvement in patients with stable angina pectoris and chronic insomnia caused by phlegm heat disturbance.

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