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Discussion on the treatment of refractory reflux esophagitis based on syndrome differentiation of six meridians
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1672-1519.2025.01.07
Key Words   refractory reflux esophagitis;six meridians disease;syndrome differentiation and treatment
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
ZHANG Ze Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China  
ZHENG Zhentao Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China  
YUAN Hongxia Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China yhx1877@163.com 
    The incidence rate of refractory reflux esophagitis(RRE) is high,the mechanism is complex,and the conventional treatment is not good in clinical practice. It is a difficult problem that clinical doctors cannot avoid. Therefore,RRE has put forward higher requirements for traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) syndrome differentiation. In clinical practice,it is often believed that “the stomach is the place to transmit disease,not the source of disease”. Adhering to the ancient maxim of ZHANG Zhongjing’s “seeing the disease and knowing the source”,he advocates six meridians syndrome differentiation in syndrome differentiation,and is good at combining classical prescriptions in medication. It has achieved good clinical curative effect,and provides a new idea for the syndrome differentiation and treatment of RRE. It is recorded below to share with colleagues.

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