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张密霞, 张德生, 庄朋伟, 张艳军
天津中医药大学, 天津 300193
[目的] 探讨茯苓多糖对B16黑色素瘤小鼠人工肺转移的影响,并对其作用机制进行初步研究。[方法] C57BL/6小鼠接种B16黑色素瘤,分为茯苓多糖高、低剂量组、顺铂组、模型组,茯苓多糖高、低剂量组分别给予每只小鼠茯苓多糖0.5 mg、0.33 mg,顺铂组给予顺铂0.04 mg,模型组给予生理盐水,接种瘤细胞后第2天开始尾静脉注射给药,隔天给药1次。观察小鼠一般状态,造模后21 d取肺,计数肺表面转移灶个数、HE染色检测肺微小转移灶个数,并检测外周血白细胞数量及脾质量、脾指数。[结果] 顺铂能够抑制肺转移,同时降低小鼠体质量、外周血白细胞数量、脾质量和脾指数。而茯苓多糖高、低剂量组对B16荷瘤鼠的体质量无明显影响,茯苓多糖高剂量可明显降低肺表面转移灶个数,茯苓多糖高、低剂量可减少肺微小转移灶个数,高剂量组外周血白细胞数量明显降低,低剂量组与模型组无统计学差异,低剂量可增加B16荷瘤鼠的脾质量和脾指数,高剂量对B16荷瘤鼠的脾质量和脾指数无明显影响。茯苓多糖高、低剂量组脾质量和脾指数均高于顺铂组。[结论] 茯苓多糖能够抑制尾静脉注射B16荷瘤小鼠肺转移,增加其脾质量和脾指数,无明显增加其外周血白细胞数量的作用,推测活化外周血白细胞,增强免疫功能可能参与茯苓多糖抑制肿瘤转移的机制。
关键词:  茯苓多糖  B16黑色素瘤小鼠  肺转移  白细胞
Effects of pachymaran on hematogeneous lung metastasis in mice with melanoma B16
ZHANG Mi-xia, ZHANG De-sheng, ZHUANG Peng-wei, ZHANG Yan-jun
Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To investigate the effects and mechanism of pachymaran on lung metastasis in mice with melanoma B16. [Methods] C57BL/6 mice were injected with melanoma B16 cells through tail vein. After establishment of the model, mice were divided into 4 groups with ten mice each. The drug was given through the tail vein every two days in pachymaran high-dose group (pachymaran, 0.5 mg every mouse), pachymaran low-dose group (pachymaran, 0.33 mg every mouse), cisplatin group (cisplatin, 0.04 mg every mouse), and control group (normal saline). The number of metastasis on the surface of the lung was calculated 21 days later. The number of micrometastases in lung was determined by HE staining. We also detected the count of peripheral blood leukocytes and spleen weight, spleen index at the 21st day.[Results] Cisplatin could suppress lung metastases, while reduce the body weight of mice, peripheral blood leukocyte counts, and spleen weight and spleen index. Pachymaran low-dose and high-dose groups had no effect on the body weight of B16 tumor-bearing mice. Pachymaran high-dose group could reduce the number of lung surface metastases. Pachymaran low-dose and high-dose groups could reduce the number of lung micrometastases. Pachymaran high-dose group could significantly decrease the number of the peripheral blood leukocyte but pachymaran low-dose group had no significant effect to it. Pachymaran low-dose group can increase the spleen weight and spleen index of B16 tumor-bearing mice, but low-dose group had no significant effect on them. The spleen weight and spleen index in the Pachymaran low-dose and high-dose groups were higher than the cisplatin group. [Conclusion] Pachymaran can inhibit lung metastases of B16 tumor bearing mice, increase the spleen weight and the spleen index. At the same time, it does not increase the number of the peripheral blood leukocyte. So we speculated that the activation of peripheral blood leukocytes and enhancement of immune function may be involved in the mechanism of the suppression of tumor metastasis of pachymaran.
Key words:  pachymaran  B16 melanoma mice  lung metastasis  leukocyte