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周志焕, 高树明, 高杉, 周好波, 于春泉
天津中医药大学, 天津 300193
[目的] 通过对《中医方剂大辞典》中治疗郁证古方用药进行汇总、归纳与分析,找出古方治疗郁证的用药规律,为临床郁证的辨证治疗提供参考。[方法] 对《中医方剂大辞典》中有关治疗郁证的方剂进行收集整理,并将所得信息标准化处理,应用频数统计及关联规则的方法对查询出的常用药物、药对和组方进行规律分析。[结果] 在所收集的167首方剂中,以理气药的出现频数最高,其次为补气药、化湿药和补血药;陈皮、甘草为方中出现频数最高的药对组合,共计45次;出现频数排在前10位的单味药依次为甘草、陈皮、香附、茯苓、当归、白芍、川芎、半夏、神曲、柴胡;药对关联分析显示置信度和重要性最高的药对为乳香,香附-没药。[结论] 《中医方剂大辞典》中治疗郁证的方剂用药精当,内外兼顾,标本兼治,能够为临床辨证论治郁证提供一定参考依据。
关键词:  郁证  古方  配伍规律  关联规则
Analysis of compatibility regularity of ancient prescriptions of treating melancholia based on association rules
ZHOU Zhi-huan, GAO Shu-ming, GAO Shan, ZHOU Hao-bo, YU Chun-quan
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] According to Formula Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine, to analyze the prescriptions of treating melancholia and provide references for clinical application. [Methods] To collect prescriptions of treating melancholia from Formula Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine, to analyze the prescriptions by frequency statistics and association rules. [Results] Among the 167 prescriptions, the highest frequency drugs were Qi-regulating drugs, next were Qi-tonifying drugs, resolving dampness drugs and blood-tonifying drugs; the highest frequency herb pairs were Chenpi and Gancao, the frequency was 45 times; the highest frequency herbs were Gancao, Chenpi, Xiangfu, Fuling, Danggui, Baishao, Chuanxiong, Banxia, Shenqu, Chaihu; drug pair correlation analysis showed that drug pair of the highest of confidence and importance was Ruxiang Xiangfu-Moyao. [Conclusion] Prescriptions and herbs of treating melancholia in Formula Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine are precise and appropriate, and it can provide some reference for traditional Chinese medicine clinical treatment of melancholia.
Key words:  melancholia  prescription  compatibility rule  association rule