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郭素香1,2, 胡思源3, 孔秀路1, 徐田华1
1.天津中医药大学, 天津 300193;2.天津中医药大学第二附属医院, 天津 300150;3.天津中医药大学第一附属医院, 天津 300193
[目的] 为了《小儿厌食(喂养障碍)中医证候评价量表》能够真正应用于临床,对量表各条目赋权,并确定量表的应用形式。[方法] 应用主客观综合赋权的方法确定本量表各条目的权重值,并参照探索性因子分析的结果确定量表维度,并进行组合得到临床常见证候,进而确定量表的应用形式。[结果] 先利用Delphi法确定主观权重系数,再利用因子分析确定客观权重系数,然后将两种赋权方法得出的某一指标的权数值相乘,最后进行归一化处理,得到目标组合权数值。经探索性因子分析得出8个公因子,且每个因子各自代表了一个维度,不同因子的组合能体现小儿厌食症的不同证候,该量表可以拆分成评价小儿厌食不同证候的若干子量表。[结论] 综合赋权的方法严谨、科学, 能反映临床实际,应用此方法对本量表各条目所赋的权重值可取。本量表通过不同因子的组合进行拆分,所形成的的若干子量表可用于小儿厌食(喂养障碍)的常见证候的疗效评价。
关键词:  小儿厌食(喂养障碍)  证候评价量表  权重系数  应用
The determination of weight coefficient and application forms of Infantile Anorexia (Feeding Disorder) Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndromes Curative Effect Evaluating Scale
GUO Su-xiang1,2, HU Si-yuan3, KONG Xiu-lu1, XU Tian-hua1
1.Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China;2.The Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300150, China;3.The First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] For the sake of Infantile Anorexia(feeding disorder) Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndromes Curative Effect Evaluating Scale can really be applied to clinical practice, each item of the scale will be weighted and the application form of the scale will be determined. [Methods] The weighting coefficient of each item was determined using subjective and objective methods, and scale dimension was affirmed by refering to results of exploratory factor analysis, which could be combined and obtained common clinical syndromes, then the application form of the scale could be determined. [Results] The subjective and objective weight coefficients of various items were determined by using the Delphi method and factorial analysis, respectively. The final weight coefficient of each item was obtained by multiplying the two coefficients above, then they were processed for normalization. We obtained eight common factors using exploratory factor analysis, and each factor represents a dimension. The combination of different factors can reflect the different of infantile anorexia (feeding disorder) syndromes; this scale could be split into several different scales to evaluate different infantile anorexia (feeding disorder) syndromes. [Conclusion] Comprehensive weighting method is rigorous and scientific, and represents the clinical practice. The weight coefficient of each item is desirable using this method. The scale could be splited and formed several sub-scales by a combination of different factors, which can be used to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of common infantile anorexia (feeding disorder) syndromes.
Key words:  infantile anorexia (feeding disorder)  syndromes evaluating scale  weight coefficient  application