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刘华明1, 李丽1, 马文娟1, 贾琪1, 欧阳慧子2, 何俊1
1.天津市现代中药重点实验室, 天津中医药大学, 天津 300193;2.天津中医药大学第一附属医院, 天津 300193
[目的]建立液相色谱-质谱联用(LC-MS/MS)定量分析方法,考察三七总皂苷对杠柳毒苷在大鼠体内的药动学影响。[方法]将18只大鼠随机分成杠柳毒苷单独给药组、杠柳毒苷和低剂量三七总皂苷配伍组、杠柳毒苷和高剂量三七总皂苷配伍组,大鼠连续口服给药7 d,在最后1次给药前和给药后不同的时间点从眼底静脉丛取血,采用LC-MS/MS法,以补骨脂素为内标,测定大鼠体内杠柳毒苷的含量,并运用DAS 1.0软件计算待测物的药动学参数。[结果]杠柳毒苷在1~500 ng/mL的范围内线性关系良好,方法学符合要求。药动学结果表明,杠柳毒苷配伍三七总皂苷后,杠柳毒苷在大鼠血浆中的主要药动学参数Cmax、AUC0-t、AUC0-∞与杠柳毒苷单独给药相比存在统计学差异。[结论]本研究所建立的LC-MS/MS方法快速、灵敏、准确,可用于杠柳毒苷在大鼠体内的药动学研究。三七总皂苷对杠柳毒苷在大鼠体内的药动学存在影响。
关键词:  杠柳毒苷  三七总皂苷  LC-MS/MS  药代动力学
Effects of Panax notoginsenosides on pharmacokinetics of Periplocin
LIU Huaming1, LI Li1, MA Wenjuan1, JIA Qi1, OUYANG Huizi2, HE Jun1
1.Tianjin State Key Laboratory of Modern Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China;2.The First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To establish a LC-MS/MS method for determination of Periplocin and study the effect of Panax notoginsenosides on pharmacokinetics of Periplocin in rats.[Methods] Eighteen rats were divided into Periplocin alone group; Periplocin combined with low-dose and high-dose Panax notoginsenosides groups. All rats were orally administered for seven consecutive days, blood samples were obtained from orbitalis at different time before and after the last time administration. LC-MS/MS method was developed and validated for the determination of Periplocin in rat plasma using psoralen as the internal standard, and main pharmacokinetic parameters of analyte were processed by DAS1.0 software.[Results] Calibration curves of Periplocin were linear over 1~500 ng/mL, the method validation was in line with requirements. Results of pharmacokinetics showed that there were significant differences between the pharmacokinetic parameters of Periplocin in rats with or without Panax notoginsenosides.[Conclusion] The LC-MS/MS method was rapid, sensitive and accurate, and it was successfully applied to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of Periplocin in rats. And the Panax notoginsenosides had effect on pharmacokinetic of Periplocin.
Key words:  Periplocin  Panax notoginsenosides  LC-MS/MS  pharmacokinetics