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薛南南, 房康, 张玥辉, 陈萌, 王辉, 张欣钰, 吴高荣, 郭文博, 贾晓慧, 王鹏龙, 雷海民
北京中医药大学中药学院, 北京 102488
[目的]利用响应面法优化核桃粕蛋白提取工艺,并评价其木瓜蛋白酶解物的体外抗氧化活性,为核桃粕后续开发利用提供参考价值。[方法]采用碱溶酸沉法,以蛋白提取率为响应值,结合单因素及响应面实验探讨氢氧化钠(NaOH)浓度、液料比、提取温度及时间对核桃粕蛋白提取率的影响,优化核桃粕蛋白提取工艺,并利用体外抗氧化实验评价了木瓜蛋白酶解物的活性。[结果]响应面法优化的核桃粕蛋白提取工艺为:80∶1的0.04% NaOH溶液、65℃下提取1 h,平行实验的结果为36.01%,与预测值35.27%较接近,说明该工艺真实可靠、简单可行。核桃蛋白木瓜蛋白酶解物具有一定的清除DPPH、OH自由基及还原能力,可为后续的核桃粕保健食品开发与工业化生产提供方法及参考意义。[结论]优化了一种核桃粕蛋白提取工艺,并为核桃粕的综合开发及利用提供了重要的参考价值。
关键词:  核桃粕蛋白  提取工艺  优化  酶解产物  活性
Optimization of extraction process of walnut meal protein and activity of enzymatic hydrolysate
XUE Nannan, FANG Kang, ZHANG Yuehui, CHEN Meng, WANG Hui, ZHANG Xinyu, WU Gaorong, Guo Wenbo, JIA Xiaohui, WANG Penglong, LEI Haimin
School of Chinese Pharmacy, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China
[Objective] Optimize the extraction process of walnut meal protein by response surface methodology(RSM), and evaluate its antioxidant activity of papain hydrolysate, which provided a reference for the subsequent development and utilization of walnut meal protein.[Methods] The alkali-soluble acid precipitation method was used to optimize the parameters (NaOH concentration, liquid-to-material ratio, extraction temperature and time) of extraction process with the result of single factor and RSM experimentation. The papain hydrolysate was tested for its antioxidant activity.[Results] The result of RSM was as follows:80:1 liquid-to-material ratio, 0.04% NaOH solution, 65℃ for 1.0 h, with 35.27% of extraction rate. The extraction rate of three parallel experiments was up to 36.01% closed to the theoretical value, indicating that the process is real and reliable, convenient and feasible; papain hydrolysate of walnut protein effected on scavenging DPPH, OH radical and reducing activity, which could provide basis for the subsequent development and industrial production of walnut health food.[Conclusion] This paper successfully optimized the extraction process of walnut meal protein by RSM, and provided an important reference value for the comprehensive development and utilization of walnut meals.
Key words:  Walnut meal protein  extraction process  optimization  enzymatic hydrolysate  activity