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刘安琪1, 王洪武2
1.天津中医药大学研究生院, 天津 301617;2.天津中医药大学中医学院, 天津 301617
关键词:  《黄帝内经》  同气相求  肺胃关系
Exploration on the relationship between lung and stomach base on “Tongqi Xiangqiu” theory
LIU Anqi1, WANG Hongwu2
1.Graduate School, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.The Medical College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
Lung and stomach diseases can be regarded as the existence of mutual secondary disease in clinical practice,indicating that there is a certain inevitability between the lung and stomach. Currently,the bridge and dynamics of the interaction between the lung and stomach are unclear. Starting from the concept of “Tongqi Xiangqiu”,this article believes that the bridge between the lung and stomach is the “Tongqi” of the lung and stomach,and the driving force is the qi of the medium,that is,the movement and changes of the qi of the lung and stomach in the human body. “Xiangqiu” is the physiological manifestation of the mutual interaction between the lung and stomach. The “Tongqi” of the lung and stomach includes four aspects:the same source,the same hollow structure and communication with the outside world,functionally ascending together to deliver nutrients and descending together to excrete dregs,and physiologically both like moistening and detest dryness. Based on the induction of media qi from the “Tongqi”,the “Xiangqiu” of the lung and stomach is reflected in three aspects. The Yunyu Xiangqiu is the common principle of the lung and stomach for the generation and transportation of fine,body fluid,and Zongqi,and the fine and body fluid can moisten the internal organs around the body,Zongqi can nourish Yuanqi;The qi mechanism requires the stomach to transport the essence of water and grain up to the lungs,helping the lungs store essence and transform qi to transport nutrients. The lung is irrigated with mist and dew,which lowers the essence of water and grain and body fluid to the stomach,helping the stomach conduction to excrete dregs. The Yingwei Xiangqiu is the source of the metaplasia of stomach,and the metaplasia and operation of lung. The two complement each other. Exploring the relationship between lung and stomach from the perspective of “Tongqi Xiangqiu” provide new ideas for clinical treatment of lung,stomach,and lung stomach related diseases.
Key words:  Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicaine  Tongqi Xiangqiu  relationship between lung and stomach