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覃庭威1, 张津铖1, 俞邦1, 赵瑞珍2
1.北京中医药大学研究生院, 北京 100029;2.北京中医药大学第三附属医院, 北京 100029
关键词:  《黄帝内经》  躁脉  文献学  脉学
Exploration of the meaning of “manic” pulse and its clinical application
QIN Tingwei1, ZHANG Jincheng1, YU Bang1, ZHAO Ruizhen2
1.Graduate School of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;2.The Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijjing 100029, China
The “manic” pulse is common in The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon. Many ancient doctors inherited and developed the concept of a “manic” pulse. Still,due to the different historical backgrounds,they did not agree on their understanding and perception of the “manic” pulse. Many modern doctors do not distinguish between the two pulses of “rapid” and “manic”,which makes the “manic” pulse gradually lose its clinical application value. This paper comprehensively demonstrates and summarizes the “manic” pulse from three perspectives:ancient philological classics,The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon and the understanding of ancient and modern doctors,and draws the following conclusions:the single pulse of the “manic” pulse is relatively rapid,and the pulse has a sense of being touched and gone,and the movement is uncertain,but its pulse position,pulse rate,and pulse shape are not fixed,and it is easy to be seen in floating,rapid,and moving pulses;the “manic” pulse can be used in the diagnosis and treatment of yang-heat diseases,heart diseases,emotional diseases,and the judgment of disease prognosis in clinical practice,and can be used to guide the diagnosis and treatment of acupuncture.
Key words:  The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon  manic pulse  philology  pulsology