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黄培鑫1, 李祥明1, 胡泽昊1, 李颖佳1, 陈海波2
1.广州中医药大学, 广州 510006;2.汕头市中医医院, 汕头 515000
关键词:  膝骨关节炎  肠道菌群  虚证
Exploring the relationship between intestinal flora and osteoarthritis of the knee based on the “spleen and kidney deficiency”
HUANG Peixin1, LI Xiangming1, HU Zehao1, LI Yingjia1, CHEN Haibo2
1.Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China;2.Shantou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shantou 515000, China
Knee osteoarthritis is a chronic joint disease characterized by degenerative changes in knee joint cartilage and secondary bone proliferation. With the growth of age and population aging,it has a high incidence rate. However,current treatments for knee osteoarthritis tend to focus more on symptom control and joint replacement,lacking an explanation of the relationship between intestinal microbiota dysbiosis and the treatment of knee osteoarthritis from the perspective of the types and quantities of intestinal flora. The author believes that deficiency of the spleen and kidney in the elderly is the fundamental factor in the onset of knee osteoarthritis. Therefore,based on the deficiency syndrome in the eight-line syndrome differentiation,the author will clarify the changes in the composition ratio of intestinal flora abundance under the pathological state of spleen and kidney deficiency,explore the relationship between it and knee osteoarthritis,and treat knee osteoarthritis by invigorating kidney and invigorating spleen,and explain the mechanism of intestinal flora diversification on the disease. This paper provides new treatment ideas for patients with deficiency syndrome of knee osteoarthritis.
Key words:  osteoarthritis of the knee  intestinal microbiota  deficiency syndrome