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刘梅1,2, 彭宇辉2, 蒲洪2, 刘建新1,2,3
1.南华大学药学院, 衡阳 421001;2.湖南医药学院药学院, 新型抗体药物及其智能运输系统湖南省重点实验室, 中药合成生物学研究湖南省重点实验室, 怀化 418000;3.湖南中医药大学科技创新中心, 长沙 410208
关键词:  内生菌  代谢产物  药理活性  中药
Advances in the studies of endophyte’s metabolites and their pharmacological activities from traditional Chinese medicine
LIU Mei1,2, PENG Yuhui2, PU Hong2, LIU Jianxin1,2,3
1.School of Pharmaceutical Science, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China;2.Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Antibody-based Drug and Intelligent Delivery System, Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory for Synthetic Biology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hunan University of Medicine, Huaihua 418000, China;3.Institute of Innovation and Applied Research in Chinese Medicine, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha 410208, China
The metabolites of endophytic bacteria in traditional Chinese medicine are important sources of lead compounds,which have become a research hotspot in the field of pharmacy. In this review,we summarized the main endophytes found in plants in recent years and analyzed their metabolites and metabolites’ pharmacological activities. It was found that endophytes could produce the same effective ingredients as natural drugs,mainly including terpenoids,alkaloids,and anthraquinones. The results of pharmacological activity tests showed that the metabolites of endophytic bacteria had significant pharmacological activities,mainly in anti-pathogenic microorganisms,anti-tumor,and anti-inflammatory,which provided a reference and new way for the discovery and research of lead compounds. It is worth noting that endophytes have also been proven to be beneficial to the growth of medicinal plants,and even improve the resistance of medicinal plants to diseases and insects,which provides new ideas for the improved cultivation of medicinal plants.
Key words:  endophyte  metabolite  pharmacological activity  traditional Chinese medicine