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曹泽伟1, 李方儒1, 李晓华2, 王志敏1, 张洁1
1.天津市南开医院 300100;2.天津市第三中心医院 300140
关键词:  兔糖尿病模型  四氧嘧啶  胆囊微血管病变
The cholecystic cell ultrastructural change of the Diabetic Rabbits
CAO Ze-wei,LI Fang-ru,LI Xiao-hua
Tianjin NanKai Hospital, Tianjin 300100, China
[Objective] To observe the cholecystic cell ultrastructural change of the diabetic rabbits induced by Alloxan. [Methods] Twenty-six rabbits were divided randomly into 2 groups:normal group (N group) and the diabetes mellitus group induced by Alloxan (DM group). In DM group,we have controlled the rabbits' blood sugar in 20 mmol/L.We observed the cholecystic cell ltrastructural change of the diabetic rabbits in six weeks. [Result] There were 11 rabbits survived in DM group. We have found cholecystic cell ultrastructural change of the diabetic rabbits in the electron microscope. There were malfunction about cholecystic microvessel, nucleus necrosised,cell plasm partly collapsed,high increased thickness in endothelial cell basal lamina. The cholecystic smooth muscle cell apoptosis and mass marrow phosphorus body between the cell [Conclusion] Rabbits in early DM had the cell ultra structural change in cholecystic microvascular endothelial cell and smooth muscle cell.
Key words:  The rabbits diabetes models  alloxan  the cholecystic microvascular pathological changer