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郭义1, 石田寅夫2, 李庆雯3, 吴深涛4, 郭永明1, 张艳军1, 马东明1, 王芬1, 王亚军5, 郭永红6, 李桂兰1, 潘兴芳1
1.天津中医药大学 300193;2.日本铃鹿医疗科学大学东洋医学研究所;3.天津体育学院 300240;4.天津中医药大学第一附属医院 300193;5.甘肃中医学院 730000;6.天津医学专科学校 300052
关键词:  电针  周围神经  再生与修复  临床研究  实验研究
基金项目:* 日本国文部科学省科研基金资助课题(343号)
Clinical and Experiment Study of Various Frequency Electronic Acupuncture on the Effect of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration and Reparation
GUO Yi,SHITian Yin-fu,LI Qing-wen
Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To achieve satisfying curative effect of electronic acupuncture, promote functional recovery of patients and increase the life quality by using experiment study.[Methods] To explore the best treatment parameter and treatment opportunity in the clinic by experiment screening.[Results] The electronic acupuncture may improve nerves muscle structure, metabolism and function, action potention, motor nerve conduction velocity and muscle contraction force, and advance damage nerves regeneration and nerves and muscle reinnervation.[Conclusion] The transduction electronic acupuncture may efficiently promote peripheral nerve regeneration and reparation. Compared to low frequency transduction electronic acupuncture, the curative effect of SHz electronic acupuncture was the best, that of transduction electronic acupuncture was the secondary, that of transduction Ⅱ electronic acupuncture was the next in order. The early treatment had obviously curative effect.
Key words:  electronic acupuncture  peripheral nerve  regeneration and reparation  clinical study  experiment study