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针刺组方影响SAMP10脑CaN mRNA特异性表达的实验研究*
樊小农1, 温廷益2, 刘健1, 杜元灏1, 李平3, 王舒1, 石学敏4
1.天津市针灸研究所 天津市针灸学重点实验室 300193;2.中国科学院微生物研究所 100101;3.天津市南开医院 300100;4.天津中医药大学第一附属医院 300193
[目的]了解不同的针刺配穴组方对快速老化小白鼠(SAMP10)脑钙调神经磷酸酶(CaN)mRNA表达的影响。[方法]用α-32P-dCTP标记探针,Northern杂交法进行mRNA表达水平的半定量分析,分别以取穴水沟、内关的醒脑开窍法(针刺泻实组)和取穴肝俞、肾俞的滋补肝肾法(针刺补虚组)干预8月龄SAMP10(模型组)。[结果]与正常组比较,模型组CaN mRNA表达水平下降。醒脑开窍法可提高CaN mRNA表达至接近正常水平(P<0.05),滋补肝肾法有升高其表达的趋势(P>0.05),提示醒脑开窍法优于滋补肝肾法。[结论]CaN mRNA表达水平低下可能是脑老化的机制之一,针刺能提高CaN mRNA表达水平,并具有组方配穴的特异性,提示醒脑开窍法可能是干预脑老化的潜在策略。
关键词:  脑老化  钙调神经磷酸酶  醒脑开窍针刺法  快速老化小白鼠
Study of acupuncture prescription on CaN mRNA specific expression in SAMP10 brain
FAN Xiao-nong,WEN Ting-yi,LIU Jian
Tianjin Research Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Tianjn Focal Point Laboratory of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To know the effects of different acupuncture prescription on calcineurin (CaN) mRNA expression in senescence accelerated mouse P10 brain.[Method] Probe was labeled withα-32P-dCTP,mRNA expression was semiquantitatively analyzed with Northern blotting.The 8-month SAMP10 (model group) were respectively punctured with Xingnaokaiqiao (XNKQ) acupuncture method (reducing excess group) and reinforcing liver and kidney acupuncture method (reinforcing deficiency group).The points of XNKQ acupuncture method were Renzhong (DU 26) and Neiguan (PC 6),and that of reinforcing liver and kidney acupuncture method were Ganshu (BL 18) and Shenshu (BL 23).[Result] Compared with normal group,expression level of CaN mRNA decreased.XNKQ acupuncture method could increase CaN mRNA expression to approach normal level (P<0.05),and there was increase tendency in reinforcing liver and kidney acupuncture method (P>0.05).Therefore,XNKQ acupuncture method surpass reinforcing liver and kidney acupuncture method.[Conclusion] CaN mRNA expression decrease might be one of mechanisms in brain aging,acupuncture can increase CaN mRNA expression with prescription specificity.XNKQ acupuncture method might be potential tactic in treating brain aging.
Key words:  brain aging  calcineurin  XNKQ acupuncture method  senescence accelerated mouse