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冯莉1, 杨琳1, 王宇春1, 谢明进2, 阎世平2, 范英昌1
1.天津中医药大学 300193;2.南开大学 300071
[目的] 观察双(α-呋喃甲酸)氧钒(VO-FA)与六味地黄丸联合对正常小鼠生殖毒性的影响。[方法] 设立正常组作对照,高、中、低3个剂量的VO-FA组,以及3个剂量与六味地黄丸联合使用组。雌雄鼠按1:1合笼交配,雄鼠交配前连续给药40d,雌鼠交配前连续给药20d并继续给药至交配成功后6d。观察给药后小鼠的一般状况、体质量以及生殖指标的变化。[结果] 除VO-FA高剂量组雌雄鼠活动迟缓外,其余各组机体状况均未见异常。雄鼠生殖指标差异无显著性。雌鼠除VO-FA高剂量组,其他各组体质量比正常组明显增加;除VO-FA高剂量组交配时间迟缓,孕鼠数少,妊娠率低,其余各组无明显差异;与VO-FA高剂量组比较除正常组外各组的妊娠率均有显著性差异。而在胎鼠的生殖指标中,除VO-FA高剂量组活胎数目少,各组均无差异。[结论] VO-FA高剂量组对雌雄鼠的活动能力,雌雄鼠的交配时间长短,孕鼠数目以及胎鼠的活胎数目均有不同程度的影响,对雌雄小鼠一般生殖毒性研究,未见生殖毒性作用。
关键词:  双(α-呋喃甲酸)氧钒  六味地黄丸  生殖毒性  实验研究
基金项目:* 天津市高等学校科技发展基金项目(20050306);天津市卫生局中医中西医结合科研课题(07011)
General reproduction toxicity of Bis oxovanadium(α-furan carboxylato) combining with liuweidihuang pills in normal mice
Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To observe the reproduction toxicity of the Bis oxovanadium (α-furan carboxylato) (VO-FA) combining with Liuweidihuang Pills (LW) on normal mice.[Methods] Three different doses of VO-FA and three combining LW groups were supplied to normal mice. The female and male mice were gathered in one cage for copulation according to 1:1 proportion.Before copulation,medicine was given to the male continuously for 40 d and the female for 20 d.Medicine was given continuously for another 6d after copulation.The mice general condition,the change of the body weight and the reproduction index were observed.[Results] Besides the lowered activity observed in higher dosage of VO-FA female and male mice,the condition of organism in other group was not abnormal.The reproduction index of the male mice was normal.Besides the group with higher dosage of VO-FA,the body weight in other groups increased obviously compared with the normal group.Except the lower copulation time,and lowered pregnancy number and pregnancy rate in the higher dosage of VO-FA,no significant differences were seen in other groups.Compared with the higher dosage of VO-FA the pregnancy rate in all each groups had significant difference but normal group.In the production index of embryo mice,besides the lower number of living embryo in higher dosage of VO-FA,no significant difference was observed in each group.[Conclusion] The higher dosage of VO-FA has some influence on the activity of female and male mice,copulation time,the number of pregnancy mice as well as the number of living embryo.No obvious reproduction toxic effect was observed in this group in the study on the general reproduction toxicity.
Key words:  VO-FA  Liuweidihuang Pills  reproduction toxic effect  experimental study