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李玉红, 张德芹, 王茜, 李俊青, 张潇, 曾森, 刘虹, 胡利民

天津中医药大学中医药研究院天津市中药药理重点实验室方剂学教育部重点实验室 300193
关键词:  2型糖尿病  糖脂清  糖代谢  脂代谢
基金项目:* 科技部国际合作项目资助(2009DFA31070);国家科技重大专项“重大新药创制”项目资助(2009ZX09102-128)
Effect of tangzhiqing on glycolipid metabolism in rats with experimental type 2 diabetes
LI Yu-hong, ZHANG De-qin, Wang Xi

The TCM Research Institute in Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Chinese Medical Pharmacology, Key Laboratory of Science of TCM Formula by Ministry of Education, Tianjin China 300193
[Objective] To observe the effects of Tangzhiqing (TZQ) on glycolipid metabolism in experimental type 2 diabetic rats.[Methods] Wistar rats were fed with high fat diet for 8weeks and then were injected intraperitoneally with streptozotocin (STZ,30 mg/kg) to induce experimental type 2 diabetes.The model rats were administrated with medicine at the dose of 6,3,1.5g of crude drug/kg for 30 days, using metformin hydrochloride tablets (0.25 g/kg),Xuezhikang (0.25 g/kg) as the control.At the end,the fasting blood glucose,serum lipid,insulin,glycosylated hemoglobin were measured.[Results] Compared with the model group,TZQ could obviously decrease the levels of the fasting blood glucose,serum lipid,insulin,glycosylated hemoglobin (P<0.05,P<0.01),and increase insulin-sensitivity index.[Conclusion] TZQ can effectively regulate glycolipid metabolism disorder.
Key words:  type 2 diabetes mellitus  Tangzhiqing  glucose metabolism  lipid metabolism