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靳怀安1, 周振理2
1.天津市第一医院 300191;2.天津市南开医院 300192
关键词:  肠梗阻  肠内营养  加味四君子汤  营养状况  肠黏膜屏障功能
Effect of enteral nutrition with decoction of Jiawei Four Mild Drugs on intestines function of patients with postoperative intestinal obstruction
JIN Huai-an,ZHOU Zhen-li
The First Hospital in Tianjin, Tianjin 300191, China
[Objection] To observe the effect of Intestinal mucosal barrier function in early enteral nutrition,early enteral nutrition with Jiawei Four Mild Drugs Decoction on postoperation intestinal obstruction.[Methods] The sixty patients suffering from intestinal obstruction after surgical operation were randomly divided into the EN group (n=30,treated with EN after operation) and the traditional medicine group (n=30,treated with Jiawei Four Mild Drugs Decoction with EN).Preventive measures for infections of the patients were taken by both groups.Since the 2nd postoperative day Neutrinos (r) was infused,and the traditional medicine group was given Jia Wei Si Jun Zi Decoction.Nutrition index,DAO Activities,level of plasma D-lactate were detecting on pre-operation,the 2nd postoperative day,the 8th postoperative day.bowel sound was taken at different time.The gut funciton was evaluated,Comparison of the nutritional status of patients and recovery of gut function.[Results] The nutritional status of both groups were worse than pre-operation on 1st postoperative day,after diffent nutrition support,the nutritional status and Intestinal mucosal barrier function of both groups were improved significantly.It showed statistical difference.And the traditional medicine group was better than EN group.[Conclusion] Intestinal mucosal barrier function and the nutritional status were improved effectly when the EN and traditional medicine were given.Gut function recovery was prompted.
Key words:  intestinal obstruction  enteral nutrition  Jiawei Four Mild Drugs Decoction  nutritional status  Intestinal mucosal barrier function