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全薛蓉1, 王杰1, 时亚娟1, 王艳国2
1.天津中医药大学, 天津 300193;2.天津中医药大学第一附属医院, 天津 300193
[目的]探讨推拿治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染(肺脾气虚型)的选穴规律。 [方法]收集中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM,1979—2013)、中国知网(CNKI,1979—2013)、维普(VIP,1989—2013)、万方(WANFANG,1990—2013)4个文献数据库中治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染(RRTI)的推拿处方, 录入到中医传承辅助平台(V2.0)软件, 使用该软件集成的规则分析、改进互信息法等数据挖掘方法, 统计所有穴位和最常见穴位的频次、比例, 以及核心穴位组合特点。[结果]筛选出推拿治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染处方共61条, 以虚证为主, 占所有证型频次的85.14%, 其中肺脾气虚证出现46次, 占总频次的62.16%。推拿处方61个, 涉及穴位57个, 以脊柱、肺经、脾经、腹、内八卦、肾经等小儿特定穴使用频次较高。常用穴位组合共75个, 其中2个穴位的穴对有29个, 3个穴位的穴位组合29个, 4个穴位的穴位组合14个, 5个穴位的穴位组合3个, 推拿治疗肺脾气虚证RRTI的核心穴位组合为脊柱、肺俞、脾俞、足三里、肺经、脾经、肾俞。[结论]推拿治疗肺脾气虚证型的反复呼吸道感染, 以小儿推拿特定穴为主, 重用捏脊, 结合针灸特定穴以扶正, 补益肺、脾、肾三脏, 达到培土生金, 补肾益气的目的。
关键词:  小儿反复呼吸道感染  推拿  选穴规律  数据挖掘
Analysis on the regularity of acupoints selection for the massage therapy of infantile recurrent respiratory tract infection (Lung Qi Deficiency Syndrome)
QUAN Xue-rong1, WANG Jie1, SHI Ya-juan1, WANG Yan-guo2
1.Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China;2.The First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To analyze the regularity of acupoints selection in the massage therapy of infantile recurrent respiratory tract infections. [Methods] We electronically searched China Biology Medicine disc(1979-2013),Medical Database of Chinese Academic Journal Full-Text Database(1979-2013),Chinese Scientific and Technological Journal Full-Text Database(1989-2013) and Wanfang Data(1990-2013). On the basis of the collection of the literatures about the treatment of infantile recurrent respiratory tract infections with massage, inputting the massage prescriptions into the Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritence auxiliary platform(V2.0) software, and analyzing the frequency and ratio of the all acupoints and the common acupoints, and the feature of the core acupoint combination by data mining methods of the software, such as compositive association analysis and improved mutual information method.[Results] Sixty-one massage prescriptions for the treatments of infantile RRTI were screened, in which the deficiency was the main accounting for 85.14%, and lung spleen deficiency syndrome appeared 46 times, accounting for 62.16% of the frequency. In these prescriptions, involving 57 acupoints, the spine, Feijing, Pijing, abdomen, Neibagua, Shenjing use higher frequency. The common acupoint combination had 75 in total, including 29 acupoint combination consisted of 2 acupoints, 29 acupoint combination consisted of 3 acupoints, 14 acupoint combination consisted of 4 acupoints, and 3 acupoint combination consisted of 5 acupoints. The core of acupoint combinations in the treatment of RRTI spleen qi deficiency with massage were the spine, Feishu, Pishu, Zusanli, Feijing, Pijing and Shenshu. [Conclusion] Massage in the treatment of lung and spleen deficiency of infantile RRTI, mainly use pediatric massage specific acupoints specially spine, combining with acupuncture and moxibustion of specific acupoints in order to supplement spleen to nourish lung and tonify the kidney and replenish qi.
Key words:  infantile recurrent respiratory tract infections  massage  acupoint selection regularity  data mining