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王惠君, 赵铁牛, 马晓峰, 常淑枫, 张涛, 周波, 孟静岩
天津中医药大学, 天津 300193
关键词:  中医  传承  临床思维  平台
The implementation and evaluation of TCM transmission and clinical thought practical training platform
WANG Hui-jun, ZHAO Tie-niu, MA Xiao-feng, CHANG Shu-feng, ZHANG Tao, ZHOU Bo, MENG Jing-yan
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
Transmission of TCM and clinical thought practical training platform is important part of our university's TCM essence cultivation mode by studying in school and learning from distinguished veteran doctors of TCM. Its aim to ensure the university learning and TCM transmission matched perfectly,improve the TCM inheritance ability and clinical thought ability and make sure this cultivation mode can be carry out effectively. In order to evaluate its implementation effects,we choose two undergraduate classes of TCM that are enrolled in the same time. One class students only study in our university; the other class not only study in our university but also accepts TCM transmission and expanding learning. Before they become junior years, we test their TCM theory and then make statistical analysis for their score. The result indicates that the class studying throng this platform, their score are higher than the other class's. The conclusion is that this platform can ensure our cultivation mode can be carrying out effectively by TCM Transmission and learning from distinguished veteran doctors of TCM.
Key words:  TCM  learning from distinguished veteran doctors of TCM  clinical thought  platform