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杨婷, 邱祥, 柳国斌
上海中医药大学附属曙光医院, 上海 201203
关键词:  糖尿病足溃疡  奚氏中医外科技术  临床应用
The observation of the clinical effect of Xishi external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine on diabetic foot ulcer
YANG Ting, QIU Xiang, LIU Guo-bin
Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China
[Objective] To observe the clinical effect of Xishi external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine on diabetic foot ulcer.[Methods] One hundred and eighty diabetic foot ulcer cases were randomized into treatment group of 90 cases and control group of 90 cases, while divided into diabetic foot anthrax group and diabetic foot tendons gangrene group according to the type of ulcer. Based on the basic treatment, the treatment group was administered Xishi external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine once a day, and the control group was administered Conventional dressing technology once a day. The index of curative effect and security before and after treatment were observed. Meanwhile record the adverse reactions during the treatment.[Results] Anthrax group:The total cure and remarkably effect rate of diabetic foot ulcer in treatment group is 66.7%. And the total cure and remarkably effect rate of diabetic foot ulcer in control group is 39.2%. Difference between the two groups has statistical significance (P<0.01). Tendons gangrene group:The total cure and remarkably effect rate of diabetic foot ulcer in treatment group is 76.2%. And the total cure and remarkably effect rate of diabetic foot ulcer in control group is 46.2%. Difference between the two groups has statistical significance (P<0.05).[Conclusion] Xishi external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is effective for diabetic foot ulcer.
Key words:  diabetic foot ulcer  Xishi external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine  clinical application