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宋彦奇, 梁如, 王朔, 李虹, 任妍睿, 高树明
天津中医药大学, 天津 300193
关键词:  痰浊证  文献  证候  方剂  研究
Study of phlegm turbidity syndrome disease relations
SONG Yan-qi, LIANG Ru, WANG Shuo, LI Hong, REN Yan-rui, GAO Shu-ming
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
Based on the literature, analysis of the distribution of phlegm turbidity syndrome related diseases and typical characteristics of the symptoms of disease. Using computer retrieval and manual retrieval method, the combination of the related literature of phlegm turbidity syndrome in 1980-2015 were collected, the use of statistical methods for analysis. A total of collecting qualified with 430 references, 430 records. A total of 91, according to the results of the occurrence of diseases were closely related to the development and phlegm turbidity syndrome, among them with coronary heart disease the most, accounts for about 10.7% of the total. In addition, the high frequency and popular range of three kinds of diseases and the correlation of phlegm turbidity syndrome and analyzes the modern research progress, it was found that phlegm turbidity as an important pathogenic factors, and had a great influence in the process of its development. Literature analysis results can provide reference for further research, and after the establishment of this kind of research method of TCM syndrome and western medicine play an important guiding significance on the study of correlation, and can effectively guide the clinical treatment.
Key words:  phlegm turbidity syndrome  Literature  Syndrome  prescription  research