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李彤, 温景荣
天津中医药大学, 天津 300193
关键词:  任主胞胎  人工周期  针药并治
Treatment of amenorrhea based on the principle of “prescription of the main child”
LI Tong, WEN Jing-rong
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
Amenorrhea is department of gynaecology common disease, traditional Chinese medicine has curative effect in treatment of amenorrhea. The purpose of this paper is to explore in the main theory and the theory of artificial cycle, a needle medicine and treatment of amenorrhea. Analysis summary of the main theory of renzhubaotai, the application of artificial cycle therapy of Chinese and western medicine theory. The clinical more burden of arteries and veins, "drug and needle" caverns of the ren meridian, guan yuan point, qi hai point, zhong ji point, such as medicine into the ren meridian drugs, dried human placenta, raspberry, tortoise plastron, medicinal indianmulberry root. Acupuncture and moxibustion in guan yuan point, qi hai point, such as acupuncture, combined with the ren meridian amenorrhoea drug treatment has obvious curative effect. Artificial cycle therapy, in view of the characteristics of different periods, and the corresponding treatment, which have the effect of regulate the menstrual function.
Key words:  renzhubaotai  artificial cycle  the needle medicine and acupuncture