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胡首锋1, 李正2, 姜毅1
1.浙江大远智慧制药工程技术有限公司, 杭州 311100;2.天津中医药大学中药制药工程学院, 天津 300193
关键词:  溯源  互联网  云数据  质量安全
Design and construction of Chinese medicinal materials traceability system
HU Shou-feng1, LI Zheng2, JIANG Yi1
1.Zhejiang Dayuan Intelligent Pharmaceutical Engineering Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 311100, China;2.College of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
Many large traditional Chinese medicine companies use their own planting bases or cooperative farmers' bases to supply materials. The Chinese medicinal materials industry has many problems such as scattered, management chaos, secondary pollution, adulteration and so on in seed seedling, field management, primary processing, logistics and trading. Especially in the cancellation of Chinese herbal medicine production quality management norms of the state council (GAP), scientific management of Chinese herbal medicine planting, harvesting, transport link, is more important to ensure the quality of Chinese medicinal materials than before. The design and realization of Chinese medicinal materials traceability system(CMMTS) is introduced in this paper. Based on Internet technology and cloud data, the electronic management of traditional Chinese medicinal materials cultivation, harvesting, processing and circulation comes true, thus forming origin traceability to verify the traceability chain, and responsibility shall be investigated for quality and safety.
Key words:  traceability  internet  cloud data  quality and safety