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张玮, 李华南, 赵娜, 海兴华, 董桦, 孙庆
天津中医药大学第一附属医院, 天津 300193
关键词:  腹部推拿  广泛性焦虑症  安全性
A randomized controlled research on the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder of abdominal massage
ZHANG Wei, LI Hua-nan, ZHAO Na, HAI Xing-hua, DONG Hua, SUN Qing
The First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To verify the efficacy and safety of abdominal massage in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.[Methods] A total of 60 patients with generalized anxiety disorder deficiency, were randomly divided two groups, the treatment group of abdominal massage 30 cases, the control group of western medicine 30 cases. Abdominal massage treatment group was treated with abdominal massage therapy, western medicine control group in accordance with the most commonly used buspirone treatment. Through the application of the Hamilton Anxiety Scale scores of two subjects over before and after treatment, treatment of mental health status of 3 months after the end of quantitative comparison; at the same time, through the detection of the subjects end before and after treatment by TCD and infrared thermography before and after the change.[Results] The effective rate of abdominal massage group was 66.67%, the effective rate of western medicine group was 34.78%, and the effect of abdominal massage group was better than that of western medicine group. At the same time, abdominal massage can improve the peak blood flow velocity of left and right vertebral artery and the left and right frontal temperature, but there was no difference between the two groups;abdominal massage can improve the peak blood flow velocity of left and right vertebral artery and the left and right frontal temperature, but there is no difference between the two groups.[Conclusion] Abdominal massage is a more effective, safe and green treatment and clinical treatment.
Key words:  abdominal massage  generalized anxiety disorder  security