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闫丹丹, 边育红, 于春泉
天津中医药大学, 天津 300193
关键词:  痰瘀互结  动脉粥样硬化  脂质代谢  炎症介质  多态性
An overview of pathogenesis and biological basis in phlegm and blood stasis of coronary heart disease
YAN Dandan, BIAN Yuhong, YU Chunquan
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
In recent years, due to the high morbidity and serious lesion of intermin-gled phlegm and blood stasis syndrome of CHD, people are paying more attention to it. By reading the literature, we reviewed the possible biological basis of phlegm stasis syndrome from etiology, pathogenesis, lipid metabolism, inflammatory mediators, homocysteine and gene polymorphism. Preliminary studies determined that the formation of intermin-gled phlegm and blood stasis syndrome including yin and yang deficiency, spleen-stomach transportation-metabolism disability, liver dysfunction, the stagnation of phlegm turbidity and retained fluid. AS is the result of interaction of many factors, and is one of the pathological bases for the formation of CHD, AS and myocardial ischemia are particularly likely to show pathological factors such as phlegm turbidity and congestion. This article will overview the pathogenesis and biological basis of intermin-gled phlegm and blood stasis syndrome from traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, so as to provide guidance for clinical syndrome differentiation.
Key words:  intermin-gled phlegm and blood stasis  atherosclerosis  lipid metabolism  inflammation mediators  polymorphism