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庞坦, 李小锦, 庄朋伟
天津中医药大学, 天津 300193
[目的]检测白及与川乌单独给药及配伍给药对卡拉胶诱导的大鼠足肿胀模型镇痛效果以及对血流速度的影响。[方法] 34只雄性SD大鼠随机分为正常对照组(4只),模型组(6只),白及组(8只),川乌组(8只)及白及川乌配伍组(8只)。除正常对照组外,其余大鼠左足底给予0.1 mL卡拉胶造模。1 h后分别单独给予对照组和模型组生理盐水,其他3组分别给予白及提取液2.25 g/kg、川乌提取液2.25 g/kg和白及川乌提取液配伍2.25+2.25 g/kg。于给药后1 h和3 h应用压痛仪测量大鼠对机械性疼痛的反应,以及应用激光多普勒血流仪(LDF)观察卡拉胶导致的大鼠炎症足的血流变化。[结果] 2.25 mg/kg川乌提取液可以降低大鼠炎症足的疼痛程度,2.25 mg/kg白及提取液能显著降低大鼠炎症足的血流速度(P<0.05)。白及与川乌的提取液配伍(2.25+2.25) g/kg,既能降低大鼠炎症足的疼痛程度,又能降低血流速度。[结论]白及可以降低卡拉胶大鼠炎症足的血流速度,但川乌对此无影响。川乌可以降低卡拉胶大鼠炎症足的疼痛程度,但白及对此无影响。川乌白及配伍应用,未见明显"相反"作用出现。
关键词:  卡拉胶  镇痛  激光多普勒
The effect of Radix Aconiti and Rhizoma Bletillae separately and combined on carrageenan-induced mechanical hyperalgesia on rat
PANG Tan, LI Xiaojin, ZHUANG Pengwei
Tianjin University of Traditional Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To determine the effect of of Radix Aconiti and Rhizoma Bletillae separately and combined on carrageenan-induced mechanical hyperalgesia on rat.[Methods] Thirty-four male SD rats were randomly divided into 5 groups:Normal group (n=4), Model group (n=6), Radix Aconiti group (n=8), Rhizoma Bletillae group (n=8) and Radix Aconiti-Rhizoma Bletillae combined group (n=8) 0.1 mL carrageenan solution was injected into the left hind paw of all rats except the normal group. The 5 groups were separately dosed with saline, saline, Radix Aconiti extraction (2.25 mg/kg), Rhizoma Bletillae extraction (2.25 mg/kg) and Radix Aconiti-Rhizoma Bletillae extractions combined (2.25 mg/kg+2.25 mg/kg) 1 h post the carrageenan injection. Mechanical hyperalgesia was measured by the paw-pressure test (analgesimeter, Ugo Basile, Italy), Blood flow was measured by Laser Doppler Flowmetry at 1 h and 3 h post the test reagent dosed.[Results] Single dosing of Radix Aconiti extraction (2.25 mg/kg) has significant analgesic effects. Single dosing of Rhizoma Bletillae extraction (2.25 mg/kg) can decreased the blood flow of the inflammation paw. Radix Aconiti-Rhizoma Bletillae extractions combined (2.25 mg/kg+2.25 mg/kg) has analgesic effects and can decreased the blood flow of the inflammation paw.[Conclusion] Radix Aconiti extraction has analgesic effects and Rhizoma Bletillae extraction can decreased the blood flow. When they were dosed combined, don't influenced the other.
Key words:  carrageenan  analgesia  laser doppler flowmetry