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赵怡玲, 姜之炎
上海中医药大学附属龙华医院儿科, 上海 200032
[目的] 评价豁痰通络方治疗儿童痰热闭肺型支原体肺炎的临床疗效。[方法] 选择支原体肺炎患儿60例,所有患儿均符合中医痰热闭肺型辨证诊断。随机分为西医组(对照组)30例和中西医结合组(治疗组)30例。西医组采用阿奇霉素序贯治疗,中西医结合治疗组采用阿奇霉素加内服豁痰通络方治疗,观察两组的临床疗效。[结果] 中西医结合治疗组临床总疗效及中医证候疗效优于西医治疗组(P<0.01)。[结论] 豁痰通络方治疗儿童痰热闭肺型支原体肺炎可显著提高临床疗效。
关键词:  豁痰通络方  支原体肺炎  痰热闭肺型
Clinical observation of Huotan Tongluo prescription treating in 60 cases of phlegmy-heat closed lung syndrome of pediatrics mycoplasma pheumonia
ZHAO Yiling, JIANG Zhiyan
Longhua Hospital Affiliatedto Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai 200032, China
[Objective] To explore the Huotan Tongluo prescription's clinical curative effect in treating pediatrics phlegm- heat closed lung mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia.[Methods] According to the different randomized treatment,60 children are divided into 30 cases of control group and 30 cases of treatment group. Western medicine group with azithromycin sequential therapy,on the basis of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine group in azithromycin intravenous drip for 5 days,combined with oral administration of Huotan Tongluo prescription.[Results] On the side of disease curative effect analysis,the markedly effective rate of the control group was 83.33%. The markedly effective rate of treatment group was 90%.On the side of TCM syndrome curative effect analysis,the markedly effective rate of control group was 50.00%. The markedly effective rate of treatment group was 86.67%. Treatment group was obviously better than control group.[Conclusion] Huotan Tongluo prescription can significantly improve the clinical curative effect in treating pediatrics phlegm- heat closed lung mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia.
Key words:  Huotan Tongluo  mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia  phlegm-heat closed lung