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吕宏蓬1,2, 刘欣1,3, 孟旭1, 陈维文1, 鲜馥阳1,2, 季云润1, 李亚帆1,2, 张广中1
1.首都医科大学附属北京中医医院, 北京 100010;2.北京中医药大学, 北京 100029;3.北京市中医研究所, 北京 100010
关键词:  苦参  苦参碱  氧化苦参碱  银屑病  研究进展
Progress of Sophora Flavescens in Psoriasis Treatment
LV Hongpeng1,2, LIU Xin1,3, MENG Xu1, CHEN Weiwen1, XIAN Fuyang1,2, JI Yunrun1, LI Yafan1,2, ZHANG Guangzhong1
1.Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China;2.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;3.Beijing Institution of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100010, China
Psoriasis is complicated in etiology, which is mainly attributed to wind, humidity, heat and evil. Chinese medicine compounds treatment presents a significant advantage. Sophora Flavescens as well as the single herb and its effective components, is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis by traditional Chinese medicine, which has the functions of clearing heat, eliminating dampness, detoxifying and anti-phlogistic. This paper based on the progress of domestic and foreign research, discussed from three aspects:the clinical application of Sophora Flavescens in psoriasis treatment, Sophora Flavescens chemical components and modern pharmacology research and bioinformatics in order to look for the clues of Sophora Flavescens in the treatment of psoriasis and provide new sight for psoriasis clinical treatment of Sophora Flavescens and drug development.
Key words:  Sophora Flavescens  Oxymatrin  matrin  psoriasis  progress