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岳颖1,2, 顾礼忠1, 刘维3
1.天津市公安医院皮肤科, 天津 300042;2.天津中医药大学, 天津 301617;3.天津中医药大学第一附属医院风湿免疫科, 天津 300193
关键词:  中医理论  中药  湿疹
Research progress of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine preparations in the treatment of eczema
YUE Ying1,2, GU Lizhong1, LIU Wei3
1.Department of Dermatology, TianjinPolice Hospital, Tianjin 300042, China;2.Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;3.Department of Rheumatism and Immunity, First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the application of traditional Chinese medicine and its preparations in the treatment of eczema has been evaluated from both internal and external aspects. Among them, the internal service, from the spleen dehumidification, nourishing and moistening dry, clearing heat and cooling blood, BuzhongYiqi and other aspects of statistical division. External use has been described by external washing of traditional Chinese medicine, external washing of traditional Chinese medicine, wet application of traditional Chinese medicine, external Chinese medicine ointment, and sputum medicinal tincture. By reviewing the literature in the past 5 years, it provides a reference for further promoting the application of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine preparations in the treatment of eczema.
Key words:  theory of traditional Chinese medicine  traditional Chinese medicine  eczema