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韩婷婷1, 任晓亮1, 任德飞1, 王萌2
1.天津中医药大学中药学院, 天津 301617;2.天津中医药大学中医药研究院, 天津 301617
关键词:  荷叶碱  浸提动力学  荷叶  温度  Fick第一定律
Study on extraction kinetics model of lotus leaf alkali from lotus leaf
HAN Tingting1, REN Xiaoliang1, REN Defei1, WANG Meng2
1.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.Institute of Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
[Objective] To investigate the kinetics of lotus leaf alkali extraction by temperature, solvent amount and solvent type.[Methods] Based on Fick's first law, a kinetic model of extraction was established to fit and predict the effects of different extraction conditions on the kinetics of lotus leaf extraction.[Results] The temperature increased, the leaching rate and the amount of leaching increased, and the effect on the leaching amount decreased with the increase of temperature. When the extraction volume is increased, the equilibrium extraction amount of the lotus leaf base is increased, but the time for the leaching to reach equilibrium is prolonged. During the different solvent extraction processes, there was a concentration crossover, and the 70% ethanol extraction rate was the highest in the test range. The leaching kinetics of lotus leaf in lotus leaves under different solvents accorded with the first leaching kinetics model.[Conclusion] The numerical model was used to quantitatively describe the variation of the concentration of functional components in the extraction process with time. It has important guiding significance for revealing the influence of different factors on the extraction kinetics and optimizing the extraction process.
Key words:  lotus leaf  leaching kinetics  lotus leaf  temperature  Fick's first law