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蔡楠1,2, 李晓璇1, 赵利斌1,3, 曹宁宁1, 肖学凤1, 刘昌孝4
1.天津中医药大学中药学院, 天津 301617;2.天士力控股集团有限公司研究院现代中药开发中心, 天津 300410;3.北京振东光明药物研究院, 北京 100085;4.天津药物研究院释药技术与药物代谢动力学国家重点实验室, 天津 300301
关键词:  胡黄连苷Ⅱ  胡黄连  药理作用  研究进展
Research progress on pharmacological effects of picroside Ⅱ
CAI Nan1,2, LI Xiaoxuan1, ZHAO Libin1,3, CAO Ningning1, XIAO Xuefeng1, LIU Changxiao4
1.School of Chinese Materia Medica, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Center, Tasly Holding Group Co. Ltd., Tianjin 300410, China;3.Zhendong Guangming Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Beijing 100085, China;4.State Key Laboratory of Drug Delivery Technology and Pharmacokinetics, Tianjin Institute of Pharmaceutical Research, Tianjin 300301, China
Rhizoma picrorhizae, the dried rhizome of Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora Pennell, has the effects of dispelling deficiency heat, eliminating chancre fever and clearing heat and dampness. It has been widely used in clearing deficiency and heat. Rhizoma picrorhizae is mainly produced in Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet and other places. Currently modern studies have shown that Rhizoma picrorhizae plays an important role in treating liver disease, skin disease and dyspepsia. Picroside Ⅱ is one of the main effective components of the traditional Chinese medicine Rhizoma picrorhizae. It has various pharmacological effects, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative stress, anti-apoptosis, anti-tumor and anti-fibrosis. Related research progress on pharmacological effects of picroside Ⅱ at home and abroad in recent years are reviewed in this paper, which will provide references for the further development of picroside Ⅱ.
Key words:  picroside Ⅱ  Rhizoma picrorhizae  pharmacological effects  research development