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余亚平, 傅淑艳, 凌红羽, 苏建明, 赵燕平
浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 感染科, 杭州 310006
[目的] 探讨名老中医徐志瑛教授治疗肝硬化腹水的用药规律。[方法] 收集徐志瑛教授治疗肝硬化腹水患者的处方,将所得资料导入中医传承辅助平台,采用复杂系统熵聚类等无监督数据挖掘方法,对其处方用药经验进行总结。[结果] 对筛选出的138首处方进行分析,确定处方中药物的使用频次,药物之间的关联规则,挖掘出8个核心组合和4首新处方。[结论] 徐志瑛教授治疗肝硬化腹水,“阶段辨证、分证施治”,多用健脾渗湿药、行气活血药、温阳利水药,擅用“提壶揭盖法”,同时重视顾护肝阴。
关键词:  肝硬化  腹水  中医传承辅助平台  用药经验  徐志瑛
Discussion on the medication rules of Professor XU Zhiying in differential diagnosis and treatment of cirrhotic ascites based on data mining technology
YU Yaping, FU Shuyan, LING Hongyu, SU Jianming, ZHAO Yanping
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Infectious Department, Hangzhou 310006, China
[Objective] To explore the medication rules of XU Zhiying in the treatment of cirrhotic ascites. [Methods] The prescription of Professor XU in the treatment of cirrhotic ascites was collected,and the data obtained were introduced into the auxiliary platform of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance. Unsupervised data mining methods such as entropy clustering in complex system were used to summarize the experience of prescription drug use. [Results] The 138 prescriptions selected were analyzed,the frequency of drug use and the association rules between drugs were determined,and 8 core combinations and 4 new prescriptions were excavated. [Conclusion] In the treatment of cirrhotic ascites,Professor XU mainly uses the drugs of invigorating spleen and promoting blood circulation,warming yang and promoting diuresis,and pays attention to the care of liver and yin at the same time.
Key words:  liver cirrhosis  ascites  auxiliary platform for inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine  medication experience  XU Zhiying